Tashkent is a harmonious blend of culture, cuisine, arts and architecture. From its beginnings as a humble trading post to the bustling metropolis it is today, Tashkent has always been different. A bridge between the East and the West for centuries, Tashkent is a city where both age -old traditions and cutting-edge innovations are celebrated, a place brimming with unbridled energy.
If you are making plans for a Tashkent Tour , you have landed at the right place. Enter your Tashkent Family Package requirements in the form. We will take your Tashkent Family Packages requirements and distribute it to multiple specialist Family Packages for Tashkent sellers. These agents will then send their customised Family Tour to Tashkent deals to you and you can select the best one for yourself! ...[+]
Package Inclusions:
Starting price per adult
Rs. 30,000 + Air Fare
for 3 Nights and 4 Days
Package Inclusions:
Starting price per adult
Rs. 28,600 + Air Fare
for 4 Nights and 5 Days